Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You have questions, we have answers! Here is a list of our most-frequently asked questions. If you don’t see an answer to your question below, please contact us at 1-800-888-2418, or email
CableRail Kit FAQs
- Are there any specific requirements to consider when designing my railing frame for use with Feeney CableRail infill?
- How far apart can I space the cables?
- How far apart can I space my posts?
- What’s the longest cable run I can have?
- What tools are needed to install Feeney CableRail?
- What happens if I need to remove the Quick-Connect® Inset fitting from the cable?
- Why would I need to use a Cable Lacing Needle?
- Can you pass the Cable Lacing Needle through the Quick-Connect® Inset fitting?
- What is Feeney CableRail made of?
- What will I need to maintain Feeney CableRail cables?
- Is there any additional maintenance required for harsh environments?
- Do the cables need to be attached with fittings at every post?
- If there is no access to drill through an end post, can the fittings be attached to the face of the post or wall?
- Can I run the cables continuously around a single corner post or do I have to terminate?
- How accurate do I need to be when measuring for my cable run lengths?
- Do I need protector sleeves at every hole?
- Where would I need to use beveled washers?
- Can I cut the cables with a pair of wire cutters?
- Can I buy one long cable and lace it back and forth like a shoelace?
- What is the cost per linear foot for horizontal CableRail?
- Do you do installations?
- Can fittings and cable be purchased separately for fabricating assemblies in the field?
DesignRail® FAQs
- Can I install DesignRail® myself?
- How durable is the powder-coated finish?
- Do the posts come pre-drilled for the cables when using horizontal cable infill?
- Do I need a bottom rail with a 42″ tall horizontal cable system?
- Can I have single corner posts with the horizontal cable system?
- Why do I have to have a vertical picket between my main posts in a horizontal cable system?
- Why do I have to keep the cables at 3-inches on center?
- Can I get the posts in stainless steel?
- Can I get round posts?
- What kind of mounting methods do you provide?