This holiday season, Feeney embarked up on a holiday charity giving campaign by donating to three charities that bring hope and provide homes to those in need. Each of these...
As most people are aware, the U.S. is currently facing unprecedented supply chain disruptions across multiple industries. The building and remodeling industry has been hit...
A&D professionals can now get Feeney product samples delivered the next morning at no cost OAKLAND, Calif. – Dec. 7, 2021 – Feeney Inc., a leading manufacturer of...
Few elements in a home make a greater impact than a stunning staircase. In fact, the importance of a well-designed, eye-catching stairway should not be underestimated. While...
New color offering makes it easy to coordinate Feeney products with interior and exterior design elements OAKLAND, Calif. – August 10, 2021 – Feeney Inc., a leading...
A labor of love conceived of by former Silicon Valley executive Scott Kriens and his wife Joanie, 1440 Multiversity was created to help professionals build stronger...